Target Group & Eligibility

Why are we targeting elderly people?
Looking for more community involvement
Increasing trend of single-living elderly
Elderly-only households = 23.4%
Why are we targeting young people?
Target customers of private co-living space
Long waiting time for PRH
Interview with Mr Benny Hui, Senior Manager of Housing Society
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (2018). Percentage of elderly aged 65 and over living alone. Retrieved from https://www.socialindicators.org.hk/en/indicators/elderly/31.11.
Census and Statistics Department. (2017). Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics. Retrieved from https://www.statistics.gov.hk/pub/B71710FC2017XXXXB0100.pdf.
Housing Authority. (2018). Number of Applications and Average Waiting Time for Public Rental Housing. Retrieved from https://www.housingauthority.gov.hk/en/about-us/publications-and-statistics/prh-applications-average-waiting-time/index.html.